A lot of wapka users have been complaining about wapka and Many do not know how to fix their wapka dns and that is what Youll learn[br/]Step 1: Make sure your domain is parked and stays parked at Wapka before Proceedinghttp://farm1.staticflickr.com/585/31972068893_064e37a754_o.png[br/]Step 2: Now Go to https://www.cloudflare.com/a/sign-upto create an account at CloudFlare[br/] http://farm1.staticflickr.com/605/32662941081_e646908e31_o.png[br/] Step 3: Then, As You can see below Scan DNS Records and enter your domain name here then click Scanhttp://farm1.staticflickr.com/601/32406033590_7aeab6d867_o.png[br/]Step 4: Done scanning, click Continuehttp://farm1.staticflickr.com/685/32663055371_53339cc7ef_o.png[br/]Step 5: Now you need to create two Records is A and CNAME like this picture:Record A - Value: @ - IP: CNAME - Value: www - IP: your domainhttp://farm1.staticflickr.com/727/32633169132_a25ddc2d28_o.png[like]Finish of step create two Records, click Continuehttp://farm1.staticflickr.com/480/31972388453_b13936b3f9_o.pngThen, Select Free Website plan and Continuehttp://farm1.staticflickr.com/695/32663262791_217671fa12_o.png[br/] [br/] Now you need to change DNS of your domain. You must login to your domain manager (eg freenom godaddy etc) go to where you control your domain and change DNS as CloudFlare has provided.http://farm1.staticflickr.com/596/32633442502_3a92902790_o.png
@admin signing out :D
If you have any question drop it below #wapka;