Wow its been sometime now since i introduced NCT to Epage.
To be frank i dont really like telling people about it but i will explain how to use Epage to you all.
Epage simply collects inputed data and url designated and attributes a password to it.
Creating your page
Page Content
Page Content is very essential and can
contain HTML tags which includes the "script" tag i.e JS and JQuery.
Page URL
This is the part that goes after ""
for example " " Currently only "-" and "alphanumeric" characters are acceptable any other will make your E-page Blank or inaccessible.Edit urls are in the form " ".
Protect your page with passwords.Note You
can never retrive it if lost.
Page Title
Give your E-page a relevant title so it shows
up better when shared on social media,
search results, and in browser windows.
Page Author
Let people know who made this! This
shows up in some searches and social
media posts, and your Twitter handle works
really nicely if you post the link on Twitter.
Merits of Epage
With epage Webmasters can virtually see what they are coding this thus enables easy upgrades since your visitors/users will only see the completed work.
Epage is also on freebasics making it easy to create without using data
Epage allows editing which means you can always edit later on.
Epage is safe since editing is almost impossible without the set password or a Super password (for admin purpose only).
There are other features which ill be adding soon so watch out for it at the facebook page
Examples of Epages are