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You are here » Web Coders Forum » MyBB Forum » Introduction to MyBB

Introduction to MyBB

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MyBB Features
Unlimited number of posts,
threads and members.
Fulltext search capabilities
(requires MySQL 4.1+ which is
provided by default on all
SiteGround servers).
Posibility for multiple forum
instances in one database.
Fully customizable using the MyBB
templates and theme system.
You can create different languages
on your forum. Languages are
fully customizable and can be
adjusted according to your needs.
Intuitive and functional user
control panel.
Custom profiles and and possibility
to alter settings per user.
Custom profile fields can be
Private messaging system. Tracking
and multiple folders functionality
included by default.
Reputation system allowing
members to rate each other.
Signatures, avatars, buddy and
ignore lists, forum subscriptions
and all basic forum functionality
that is generally available.
Attach multiple files to a single
Automatic thumbnail generation
for attached images.
Clickable smilies and BB Code.
Quick moderation options. New
moderator tools with various
options can be created.
Email notification of new posts.
Create polls with multiple options
and attach them to threads.
Multi-quote - quote multiple posts
easily in one reply.
Threaded or linear viewing modes.
View a printable version of any
Subscribe to threads or add them
to a favorite threads list.
Send threads to your friends via
Quick reply area - quickly respond
to a thread or quote a reply.
Report posts to moderators.
Add moderators to particular
forums, set their permissions or
allow them to moderate all
Extensive logging of all moderation
activities performed.
Open, close, stick and unstick
Move or copy threads between
forums, merge threads together,
split posts from a thread.
In-line moderation - mass action
multiple threads or posts in one
Create your own moderation tools
to perform multiple actions at
Moderator control panel allowing
moderators to perform some light
administrative tasks, such as
announcement management,
moderation queue management for
the forums they moderate, and
basic user profile editing.
Completely customize the look and
feel of your forums by creating a
color scheme and modifying
Control every aspect of your
forums with little technical
knowledge. No programing
expertise is required in order to
fully manage your forum.
Assign permissions to forums and
different user groups
Manage smilies, custom MyCode
(create your own bb code tags for
your forum), post icons, word
filters etc.
Powerful user management
features, including User Views,
which are basically saved searches
and allow you to track groups of
Ban users by IP address, email
address, username or create a
timed ban on an account
Administrator permissions to limit
the abilities of secondary
Run maintenance tasks to keep
your forum running in tip-top



How can you create a mybb forum with freehost



Yes o how Admin



Its very simple and to help ill add a new directory wait



click on this link to read fully how to create mybb forum How to host Mybb on free domain



so do you understand


You are here » Web Coders Forum » MyBB Forum » Introduction to MyBB